Simple Swaps You Can Make Today to Live More Sustainably


Happy Earth Day and National Park Week! 🎉 It's a time to celebrate the beauty of our planet and the amazing wild places we're lucky to have.

But you know what? Every single day is an opportunity to make a positive impact on our environment, and I'm so grateful to have you on this journey with me.

This Earth Month and National Park week, I hope you got outside and had time to reflect on what being outdoors means to you. It's nice that we dedicate a specific day and week every year to celebrate, but it's also a reminder that we need to protect our planet and strive to do better every day! 

Thank you for being part of this journey with me as we continue learning and growing together and work towards creating a brighter, more sustainable future.

Cheers to you, to our beautiful planet, and all the adventures still to come!


7 Simple swaps that are better for the planet

There is always more we can do to live more sustainably and reduce our impact on the Earth. There are so many products that we use every day and switching to something more sustainable is something I’ve been striving towards for years! I've been struggling with the consumerism that has sprung up from being more sustainable and want to mention that it's always more sustainable to use what you have before swapping out for something new! I've slowly switched to all of the things over the years as I've used up old stuff and  am only recommending items that I've used and loved! 


1. Reduce Waste with Reusable Essentials: Make a difference by bringing your own reusable water bottles, bags, utensil kits, and cloth napkins wherever you go.  A few of my faves are these utensil kits (I carry one in my backpack always!) and these Stasher Bags (so great for packing snacks!) 


2. Host a Clothing Swap: Gather your friends for a clothing swap party! It's a fun way to refresh your wardrobe while hanging out and promoting sustainability. I do one with my girlfriends at least once a season!


3. Embrace Secondhand Shopping: Reduce consumption and support a circular economy by buying secondhand whenever possible. Explore local "Buy Nothing" groups or browse online thrift stores like Poshmark (Knowing the brand and size you want of an item is my best tip for browsing Poshmark!)


4. Switch to Shampoo and Conditioner Bars: I've been using these shampoo and conditioner bars for the last 4 years and it has completely eliminated plastic bottles from my haircare routine! I personally love the ones from The Earthing Co


5. Opt for Solid Dish Soap and Eco-Friendly Pods:  In my journey of eliminating plastic as much as possible. I switched to these to using solid dish soap and eco-friendly dishwasher and laundry pods.  I also switched to a natural dish brush and scrubbie! There are tons of options out there, but I've been loving the solid dish soap block and brushes that I got from the Zero Waste Store. I also love the dishwasher and laundry pods from Dropps


6. Support Small Businesses with Sustainable Practices: Make a conscious choice to support small businesses that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. These days, most brands that have sustainable and ethical practices are very transparent and share the exact ways they are doing so! If they are vague about it, I usually have questions. 


7. Connect with Nature: Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of our natural world by going for a walk or hike in a nearby park or nature reserve. Invite a friend to go on a coffee walk! Connecting with others in nature always makes me feel better :)


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