Danielle of the Merriweather Council

If you're a maker in business and Etsy seller, its likely you’ve heard of Danielle of the Merriweather Council Podcast. Danielle is the owner, founder, and self described creative bossy pants behind the Merriweather Council. She makes beautiful custom hand embroidered jewelry and has an amazing maker-focused podcast and offers courses on how to succeed as a maker with a crafty business.

We sat down and had an amazing chat about how her business came to be, how she grew from having a side hustle to a full-time business, and how she now has a second business helping other makers succeed on their journeys! There were so many good nuggets of wisdom in this interview. Watch the video below!

Danielle is the owner, founder, and self described creative bossy pants behind the Merriweather Council. She makes beautiful custom hand embroidered jewelry....

You can listen to her podcast, The Merriweather Council, on your favorite platform or read more on her blog https://www.merriweathercouncilblog.com You can also find her on Instagram @merriweatherc for tips and advice as a maker in business.